Wednesday, April 20, 2011

and the Lion will lay with the Lamb (Newborn Photography)

How appropriate that Easter week I received not only a great bunny hat in the mail (see post below), but an adorable little lion. I just happened to have a lamb on hand because my mother picked it up in Ireland 8 years ago when we went on a trip together. She had it hidden away without my knowledge and then gave it to me this year as an early Easter gift. I just have to say, that I love my mother and her quirky habit of just 'knowing' that something will be useful in the future.
So without further ado, a wee little lion...

'I love my lamb so much, I'll eat him - Blech!'



  1. I LOVE these pictures...especially the 3rd from the top where you can see his eyes so wide open and bright and alert. These are awesome :)

  2. Those are the bluest eyes I have ever seen. Beautiful pics Suzanne!
