Thursday, January 7, 2010


The holidays are wonderful in that they are one of the few times a year where we make a point to see family. Where all the generations trek over the river and through the woods to arrive at grandma's house, or Auntie Em's, or Uncle Bernie's.... well, maybe not. But still, holidays are one of the few times where multiple generations find themselves in one place at one time - and when that happens; it is time, dear readers, to take a photo.

"But Suzanne... aren't you a wedding photographer???"

Yes, dear reader, I am. I am a wedding photographer who also takes family photos, maternity photos, baby photos, etc... You'd be amazed at what locations can work for a variety of images - even in the middle of winter. Anything from your own living room (or that or a friend with a bigger living room), to a nice restaurant (just get permission first), to the location that the Andersons chose - a conference room at the Village. With a little bit of prior planning and an ounce of ingenuity; family photos that preserve the generations before they are gone will become something you DO, rather than something you wish you had done.

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