Monday, August 22, 2011

Baby Lucy (Newborn Photography)

I was so excited to get to photograph sweet little Lucy - newly home from the hospital, I just knew that she would be so sleepy and cuddly and I would get to do so many amazing set ups with hats and tutus and fabrics - and it was such a gorgeous day I even thought I might get her outside in my super cool trench bowl.
Well Lucy, my friends and faithful readers, had other plans!
I think she and baby Hannah (see post below) may have conspired against me and decided to test just how much I wanted to photograph them. Well, little did they know that nothing would make me give up the quest to get the perfect shot!
All jesting aside, Lucy may have been awake the ENTIRE 3 hours that I worked with her, but in that time she only cried once. She was just content to be awake and watching the world around her. Every once in a while she would close her eyes for a moment, teasing me into thinking that finally she was drifting into dream land, but two shutter clicks later and those soulful eyes would pop back open waiting to see what I would do next.
I fear I may be loosing my magic touch as the 'Baby Whisperer' ;op But as long as I get to have fun and hold sweet little babes, I'll never give up!


Baby Hannah (Newborn Photography)

Any natural light newborn photographer will tell you that there are two keys to great newborn images: one, a great natural light source (check); and two, a very sleepy baby (ummmmmmmmm - wellllllll - sometimes sleep is just not on the day's agenda).
My last two baby girls have just decided they were much more interested in me and the world around them than in sleep. But, I'm not one to give up - and who says that the best newborn photos have to be of sleeping newborns? (I'm going to ignore Kelly Ryden, Sandy Puc, and all those other mega starts of the newborn photography world! - well at least when my babies wont cooperate ;op)
So here is Hannah - such a cutie, with so much hair, and soooo alert. We finally got her to doze off for the last 5 minutes - amazing what can happen in 5 minutes!
