Friday, June 10, 2011

Samantha and Mike (Wedding Photography)

Congrats to Samantha and Mike on one full week of wedded bliss!!!
I should have known as soon as I stepped out of my car into a sudden downpour last Saturday that this wedding would keep me on my toes and touch my heart.
Having just come off Memorial Day weekend, where my heart was filled with love for my brother in law who serves full time with the National Guard, I couldn't stop the tears from welling up as I gazed at the neatly hanging Air Force jackets in the guys' getting ready room. All I can say is 'Thank You' to all those who serve our country so proudly and put their own lives at risk to keep us safe.
And when I say 'keep me on my toes', I literally mean standing on my tippy tip toes! Mike and his NINE siblings towered above me with the guys ranging well above 6 feet.
Two became one and the clouds parted, allowing me to take my favorite shots outside before heading to the reception at Celebration Hall where laughter abounded and a potential new love may have sprung (anyone want to take bets of my shooting that wedding in 20 years or so?)

Enjoy this glimpse into a simply marvelous day...

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